September 16, 2020

Physiotherapy exercises for low Back pain


                          LOW BACK PAIN

 Topic we are going to cover:

What is low back pain? What are the causes of low back pain?
what are the symptoms of Low back pain? What are the low back pain exercises?What are safety measures? and some do's and dont's

There are number of conditions which can cause low back pain it can be acute/onset or chronic pain basically acute or onset pain refers to pain you are facing it from past few days not longer than week while chronic refers to pain your feeling is lasting in your body for more than a week.Now knowing what actually back pain is really important and the conditions which leads to back pain

What is Back pain?  

Back pain is the pain you are felling in the low back from L1 to L6 vertebra for locating it, Its just above your upper part of hip bone up to the point where back arches to little backward its the pain you can feel in standing sitting walking lying or while you are lifting some objects from the floor and also in certain positions

Causes of Back pain: 

There are some physical and disease related causes which resulted in moderate to sever back pain

Physical causes

  • Improper posture:
  • Sudden jerk or accidental injury:
  • Repeated injury
  • Improper nutrition: 
  • Muscular weakness 

Disease causes :

  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthritis
  • Systematic illness

Symptoms of back pain:

  • Muscular stiffness
  • Shooting pain
  • Radiating pain anywhere in the region from hips to toe 

Now lets do some basic  exercise which are as necessary as our food

Exercises for low back pain:

Eligibility to do this exercises: 

Pain should not be more than 5 in a rating scale up to 10


1. Double Knee To Chest:

yes guys Lying down on your floor with face pointing upwards bend your knees grab it with both hands and slowly push toward your chest after pushing it hold there for 10 counts and then release it repeat it 5 times 

2. Side To Side Stretches:

Lying down on your back with face pointing upwards ,then bend  your knees and slowly moves towards right sides 1st and hold it there for 10 counts and then slowly come back to your original position then move your legs to other sides again hold it there for 10 counts and come back to neutral position repeat it for 10 times on each side

3.Bridging Exercises:

Lying down on your floor bend your knees and lift your hips towards roof and hold it there for 15 counts and after that slowly put down on the floor repeat this for 10 times two sets with 2 minute break in between

4. Plank:

Lying down on floor with face pointing downward towards floor in this position bend your elbows to up-to shoulder,Now on your elbow and toes lift your body to the point where body is aligned in straight line and after reaching there hold it for 15 counts and repeat it 3 times 

What are the safety measures while having back pain ?

  • Avoid heavy lifting weights
  • Avoids getting in the positions which causes pain
  • Avoid hyper-flexion or hyper-extension of back
  • Wear back support if pain is above 5 in rating scale
  • In the morning get up from bed from the side
  • Use good hard surface bed to sleep 

Do's and Dont's :

  • These exercises are only helpful if  Pain is below 5 in a rating scale of 10 
  • If u feel any discomfort on or after doing exercises immediately stop the exercises and contact us
  • 15 min rest is mandatory after doing exercises
  • Exercises should be done with empty stomach Meal should be taken either hour early or after the exercises
  • Wear low back belt if pain is radiating toward leg or its above 6 in rating scale
  • It will be good if you contact us before when you plan to do exercises


Note:all of those who successfully completed these regime and achieve their goals, meat me on the other side with their rewards


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