February 06, 2013

Relaxation Therapy

                               RELAXATION THERAPY

Relaxation therapy (using relaxation therapeutically) will help you to relieve stress, control anxiety symptoms, improve sleep, and have a better quality of life in general.
  • What is Relaxation Therapy?

When the average person is awake, many thoughts are going through his or her mind. The waking mind is very active.
During sleep, the mind can remain active, though the rhythm is slower than that of the mind when awake. Have you ever slept for a full night, but awoke still feeling tired? When the mind is active, sleep is not always restful.
The aim of relaxation therapy is to quiet the mind; to allow thoughts to flow in a smooth, level rhythm, and induce the relaxation response. This mental quiet allows for rest and rejuvenation that does not always occur, even during sleep.
Relaxation therapy does not attempt to empty the mind, since it is not possible to think of nothing. In relaxation, we focus the mind, and relax both mind and body.
Over time, the symptoms of stress and anxiety become problematic.
By using relaxation techniques, it is possible to improve health, strengthen the immune system, build up resistance to stress, cope with change, and improve quality of life overall.
Relaxation therapy techniques calm the body and provide a natural cure for anxiety by inducing the relaxation response – the opposite of the body’s stress response.
  • Deep Breathing

When we are stressed or anxious, our breathing becomes more rapid. Often breathing also gets shallow, which causes a feeling of being unable to catch your breath. Other times, breathing is too fast and deep, which causes lightheadedness and numbness or tingling of the extremities.
Deep breathing not only helps to cure anxiety and stress, it also triggers relaxation. Here is a way to slow down your breathing while keeping it deep and exhaling fully.
Inhale slowly to the count of four (count slowly; to the pace of one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand….).
Pause to the count of three.
Exhale slowly to the count of five.
The breathing process goes like this:
Inhale… two, three, four…pause…two, three….exhale…two, three, four five….
Inhale… two, three, four…pause…two, three….exhale…two, three, four five….
Repeat for a minute or two.
  • Consciously Relax Key Muscles

When experiencing the physical symptoms of stress or anxiety, the body tenses up in anticipation of the physical need to fight or flee. By relaxing certain key muscles, you can reverse this physical tensing process.
Relieving muscle tension can decrease headaches, muscle aches, and other stress and anxiety symptoms, and can also initiate the relaxation response for all the benefits listed in the relaxation response description.
First, lower your shoulders. When tense, the shoulders are often raised up toward the ears – so do the opposite and lower them. Ease them back slightly.
Next, relax your jaw by dropping the lower jaw slightly. Make sure your teeth aren’t touching.
Finally, release any fists from clenching. Deliberately open your hands.
  • Shake It Out

During the stress response, blood flows to the major muscles to allow them to act – but blood flow to the hands and feet can be decreased (the cause of cold hands and feet when stressed).
The act of shaking a body part increases circulation (improves blood flow), and encourages tense muscles to release their hold.
  • Yawn and Stretch

Have you ever noticed that dogs yawn when they’re nervous? There is a good reason – yawning triggers relaxation. Dogs yawn to help calm themselves down in stressful situations.
A yawn forces you to take a deep breath, slow down the breathing, and to exhale fully. This counteracts the fast shallow breathing experienced as a symptom of stress and anxiety.
Stretching is effective in lengthening the muscles – the opposite of short, tensed muscles.
Do you know how to yawn? Sure you do! Try it! Open your mouth wide, yawn loudly with a big sigh, and stretch your arms above your head and out to the sides. Make sure to stretch out the back and shoulder muscles – key places where tension can build up.
  • Block Out Stimulation

The stress response is induced by stressful stimuli around you. Sometimes there is so much going on in the environment that it becomes over-stimulating. Or when a person is feeling stressed, just the added stress of things going on around them feels overwhelming.
Blocking out some of the outside stimulation can decrease the stress triggers and induce relaxation.
Rub your hands together to make them warm. When your palms are warm, close your eyes and place your hands over your eyes with your fingers on your forehead and palms resting on your face. Sit quietly for a moment and enjoy the touch of your hands on your face, and the peaceful darkness.
Hold your arm away from your body, make your hand and wrist limp, and shake your hand back and forth and all around. Do this for a few seconds. Now stop.
See how much more relaxed that hand feels?
To induce the relaxation response, shake your hands. You can even shake your whole arms, and shake your feet and legs if you want.
  • Autogenic traning

The technique involves the daily practice of sessions that last around 15 minutes, usually in the morning, at lunch time, and in the evening. During each session, the practitioner will repeat a set of visualisations that induce a state of relaxation. Each session can be practiced in a position chosen amongst a set of recommended postures (for example, lying down, sitting meditation, sitting like a rag doll). The technique can be used to alleviate many stress-induced psychosomaticdisorder

Example of an autogenic training session
Sit in the meditative posture and scan the body
1. “my right arm is heavy”
2. “my arms and legs are heavy and warm” (repeat 3 or more times)
3. “my heartbeat is calm and regular” (repeat 3 times)
4. “my solar plexus is warm” (repeat 3 times)
5. “my forehead is cool”
6. “my neck and shoulders are heavy” (repeat 3 times)
7. “I am at peace” (repeat 3 times)
8. Finish part one by Cancelling
9. Start part two by repeating from step 2 to Cancelling
10. Start part three by repeating from step 2 to Cancelling
When you end your practice it is a good idea to Cancel to avoid your thoughts from inadvertently materializing. To Cancel say “arms firm” and move your arms vigorously, say “breathe deeply” and breathe deeply, and say “open eyes” and at open your eyes.
Many practitioners will choose not to cancel between the three iterations, in order to maintain deeper relaxation.
Quite often, one will ease themselves into the “trance” by counting to ten, and exit by counting backwards from ten. This is another practice taken from progressive relaxation
Effects of autogenic training

Autogenic Training restores the balance between the activity of the sympathetic (flight or fight) and the parasympathetic (rest and digest) branches of the autonomic nervous system.This has important health benefits, as the parasympathetic activity promotes digestion and bowel movements, lowers the blood pressure, slows the heart rate, and promotes the functions of the immune system.
  • Mental image:
A mental image is an experience that, on most occasions, significantly resembles the experience of perceiving some object, event, or scene, but occurs when the relevant object, event, or scene is not actually present to the senses. There are sometimes episodes, particularly on falling asleep (hypnagogic imagery) and waking up (hypnopompic), when the mental imagery, being of a rapid, phantasmagoric and involuntary character, defines perception, presenting a kaleidoscopic field, in which no distinct object can be discerned. like

December 27, 2012

Patients guide to neck pain

A patients guide to neck pain   


Neck pain (cervical strain)

Neck pain may be triggered by a specific event, such  a sport injury or motor vehicle accident. More common and less dramatic causes include reaching or pulling movements and awkward resting or sleeping positions.Even poor sitting postures over time can lead  to discomfort.
Long term neck problems are more likely when pain develops gradually or discomfort is recurrent over a period of time. Chronic neck pain is often triggered by prior injuries, especially if original injury was severe or injury was not given enough time to heal.
A frequent complaint is that neck pain has developed for no apparent reason. The events preceding pain or discomfort will provide clues behind original cause even if the exact incident is not evident.

Treating Neck Pain:

Most cases of neck pain are not serious and respond to simple treatments.

·         When pain develops suddenly or related to direct trauma, stop all strenuous activities to prevent aggravation of injury, increasing the damage,and healing delays.

·         Most neck pain is related to muscle or tendon strain rather than injury to spine. Your neck may feel stiff and sore to touch. Muscle spasms may develop as strained muscle swells after injury.Rest and gentle stretching will help the muscles relax.

·        Do not worry about headache development,unless direct trauma to head occurred or headache is severe. This side effect will resolve in time.

·         Most injuries will not require X-Ray or other imaging studies. Depending upon severity of injury your health care provider will recommend further tests.

Primary Treatment Plan:

If you suspect injury, stop activity immediately. Apply ICE. Wrap sealed ice bag in towel and apply to injury as soon as possible . Keep on injury for 20 minutes and repeat every 2-3 hours for
the first 48 to 72 hours. This will help reduce swelling and pain. Early care can accelerate your healing.

·        After the first 72 hours warm, moist heat can be applied through shower or soaked towels. Place on neck for 20 minutes every 3-4 hours.

·        Analgesic may be taken. Follow package directions and take with food.

·        AVIOD anything that significantly increases neck pain.

·        Research suggests most people can and should return to normal daily activities as tolerable. AVOID anything that significantly increases neck pain.

In most cases neck pain progressively improves over 2-3 days without further intervention, but pain and soreness can persist for weeks depending on injury and your choice of daily activities. During recovery, exercise with caution to prevent re-injury. Appropriate, slow,gradual rehabilitation will reduce healing time and help prevent re-injury.

Rehablitation Exercises:


·         Rehabilitation may take weeks or even months depending on severity of injury. The severity of the injury will dictate recovery time. Slow, gradual rehabilitation will reduce healing time and prevent re-injury.

·         Once initial pain has eased a rehabilitation program of neck strengthening exercises as well as stretching exercises to increase flexibility is recommended to help prevent re-injury and pain.

·         Rehabilitation exercises are critical for recovery process. Do these exercises on a regular basis and you will see improvements in your posture, work endurance, and athletic performance. The exercises shouldn’t irritate your back or neck when done properly. If there is pain, STOP.

·        HELPFUL HINT: Take deep even breaths while completing stretches and concentrate on the exercises with slow steady movements. If you experience any discomfort other than muscle soreness, slow down the pace or decrease the number of repetitions. If pain persists, discontinue exercise and contact your healthcare provider.



Stretching Exercises:

a)     Side bending:
                  Bend your neck actively towards rite side towards your shoulder as far as you can and hold it for a 5 seconds, perform this exercises for a 5 to 8 repetation and go with the other side in a same manner

b)   Front and backward bending:
              In this exercises you have to bend your neck towards chest and towards back,first of fall go with the front bending by bringing your head towards  forward go far away as far as you can and maintain the position for a 5 secs and repeat for a 5 to 8 repetation and vice versa with the backward bending.

c)     Rotation:
            In this exercise rotatate you head actively towards rite and left side in a neutral postion and repeat it for a 5 to 8 repetation,be hold at one side for 5 sec then go back to neutral position and then towars other side   

December 15, 2012

Body ergonomics



What is Ergonomics?
  • The science of fitting the work space to the human body in order to reduce injury risk.
  • In other words, making the work space as comfortable & user-friendly as possible.

Posture & Activity
  • Use the positioning suggestions to help you find a good posture that feels comfortable and supportive.
  • Posture should be fluid and not stiff.  When working, flow out from this position of good posture to perform activity and then return to it when the activity is completed. 
  • It is good for circulation to shift your movements and "fidget".
  • Use the activity suggestions to minimize the stress of repetitive activity on the body.
Positioning in the Chair
  • You should have a comfortable work chair.
  • The chair should have a 5-point base for stability & safety.
  • Your feet should be flat on the floor – Use a foot rest if necessary.
  • Your knees should be slightly lower than your hips.
  • You can adjust the pan of the seat to tilt slightly forward or back for comfort.  Change throughout the day.
  • There should be 2 inches clearance form the edge of the chair to your knees.
  • The back rest should support your lower spine.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed.
  • Hold your head directly over shoulders.  Don't let your head fall forward.
  • Hold your shoulders directly over the elbows.  Don't let your shoulders round forward.
  • If you choose to use arm-rests to support the forearms and relieve shoulder strain, they should be padded.
  • The elbows should be slightly open greater than 90 degrees.
  • Do not lean on the elbows or wrists.
  • Wrists should be positioned straight (neutral).
  • Adjust your chair each day so that it fits you, especially if you have a multi-user station.
  • The chair should face your work activity.  Do not twist to reach or while working.
The Keyboard
  • The keyboard, 10-key or mouse should be positioned comfortably so that your arms are relaxed.
  • Avoid excessive reaching for the keyboard or mouse.
  • Use function keys to eliminate keystrokes.
  • Maintain a neutral wrist position.
  • Wrist rests should be a guide, not a rest. Float over the wrist rest and only rest down during typing breaks.
  • Do not stretch the fingers to reach keys.  Move from the shoulders.
  • For functions requiring two keys to activate, use both hands rather than stretching two fingers on one hand.
  • Occasionally use the index and middle fingers to activate keys (hunt and peck method) to rest the hands and slow down activity.
  • Use a light touch on the keyboard.
  • Keep the fingers and thumb relaxed, almost as if they are curved gently around a large ball.
  • Keep your fingernails short.  Long fingernails change typing style placing increased stress on the small muscles of the hands.
  • Consider placing the keyboard at a downward tilt with the keys closest to your body slightly higher than the keys farthest away from your body to reduce arm tension.  This position assists in keeping the wrist in a more neutral position and reduces arm tension.

The Mouse
  • Hold the mouse as loosely as possible.
  • Use the lightest touch possible when clicking the mouse.
  • Don't hold the pinky up.  Gently cup the mouse with all fingers.
  • Don't rest your wrist or forearm on the desk while moving the mouse. 
  • Move from the shoulder while keeping the wrist in the neutral position rather than swiveling the wrist.

  • Use a pen with a larger circumference.
  • Hold the pen lightly.
  • Use a felt tip pen or a roller ball to reduce friction.
  • Use a pen whose barrel has some texture.  A slippery barrel requires more force when writing.
  • Maintain your wrist in as neutral a position as possible and let your hand glide over the table with the movement coming from the shoulder.
  • Using a 3-ring binder as a writing surface with the wider edge closer to the body and the narrower edge closer to your elbow will put the forearm in a more neutral position and may ease forearm strain.
  • Try special pens or alternative writing styles (for example, the pen held between the index and middle fingers) to relieve thumb stress.
  • Writing continuously is a difficult activity for the hands.  Take frequent breaks.
  • Rotate methods so you are not holding one particular position for any length of time.

Phone Use
  • Do not hold the phone to the ear by cradling it between your ear and a raised shoulder.
  • Use a speaker phone or a headset.
  • Place the phone on the same side of the desk as the ear that is used for listening.

The Computer Monitor
  • The monitor should be positioned directly in front of the keyboard.
  • The top of the screen should be at eye level.
  • Screen should be about 1 arm’s length distant with slight tilt (as if reading a newspaper).
  • If you type from copy, attach a copy holder to the monitor.
  • If you type from copy all the time, attach a copy holder to each side of the monitor and alternate pages to reduce neck strain.

Reaching & Lifting
  • Reach for objects by turning the body and facing the object.  Don't twist in the chair to perform activity or reach for objects.
  • Use both hands when reaching for heavy objects and face the object squarely.
  • Lift with the palm up.  Support the object from underneath.
  • Keep frequently used objects within your immediate work space.
    • Arms length distance in reach
    • Between eye-level and hip-level
  • Place the phone on the same side of the desk as the ear that is used for listening.

Reducing Eye Discomfort
  • Adjust color and contrast on the monitor so that characters are clear and sharp.
  • Dust the monitor regularly.
  • Replace or repair a screen that flickers.
  • Reduce glare. 
    • Use an anti-glare screen if necessary. 
    • Position the monitor perpendicular to the window so that glare is reduced.
  • Take a break and focus on distant objects frequently.
  • Relax the eyes by rubbing the palms together briskly, then placing the warm palms gently over the eyes for 30 seconds.
  • Make sure that lighting is comfortable and appropriate for work tasks.
  • Use task lighting instead of overhead lights if that helps to increase comfort and reduce glare.
  • If you wear bifocals,  you may be at increased risk of injury due to awkward neck positioning needed to look through the various prescription sections.  Consider purchasing a pair of glasses designed specifically for computer use.

Arranging Work Activities
  • Reduce the speed and the force of movements.
  • Use the appropriate tool for the job.  Use a power tool if possible.  Make sure tools are in good shape and, if a cutting tool, that the blade is sharp.
  • Use leverage to reduce the force needed.
  • Alternate tasks throughout the day.  Avoid performing any one activity for extended periods of time.

  • Space breaks evenly throughout the day.
  • Take a mini-break for every 30 minutes of repetitive activity.  Return a phone call, walk to the copy machine, get a drink of water.
  • For a posture change, stand up when answering the phone or talking with co-workers.
  • Take your mid-morning, lunch and mid-afternoon breaks.  Studies have proven that those who take breaks are more comfortable, more productive, and less painful than those who skip breaks.
  • Get up and move during breaks. 
  • Don't perform hand intensive hobby activity during breaks.

A Comfortable Work Environment
  • Reduce clutter. Clutter causes tension and stress and impedes optimal positioning of objects.
  • Organize your workstation with materials placed in locations based on priority, frequency of use and ease of handling. 
  • Do not place heavy items above your head but closer to your body for easy lifting.
  • Reduce noise.  Noise increases stress level.  Pad noisier items.  Place the printer in a noise reduction box.  Lower the volume on speakers, monitors, etc.
  • Have a comfortable temperature in the room or dress appropriately to maintain body warmth.  Cold temperatures increase muscle tension and can make your more susceptible to injury.
  • Do not sit directly under air vents; if necessary, direct the flow of air away from your desk.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Maintain a neutral wrist position;  Avoid bending, extending or twisting the wrist during activities
  • Minimize repetition; Periodically rest the hands briefly during repetitive or stressful activities
  • Slow down the activity
  • Use the least amount of force necessary to do the job
  • Use a light grip on tools, pens, the mouse
  • Use the right tool for the job
  • Find tools or gadgets that help make the job easier
  • Avoid using a sustained pinch or grip, especially if the wrist is not in a neutral position
  • Avoid positioning the wrist in a bent position (towards the palm of the hand) for any length of time (for example, when sleeping)
  • Alternate work activities
  • Alternate hands during the work activity if possible
  • Work from the shoulder and don't isolate finger or wrist movement

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
  • Avoid leaning on the inside edge of the elbow
  • Avoid leaning the forearm against hard or sharp edges (such as a table or desk edge)
  • Avoid holding the elbow in a bent position for any length of time (for example, use a head set if you will be speaking on the phone for any length of time)
  • Pad your workbench, desk surfaces and chair arms
  • Avoid prolonged bending of the wrist during activities
  • Minimize repetition and periodically rest the arms during repetitive or stressful activity
  • Slow down the activity
  • Use the least amount of force necessary to do the job
  • Use a light grip on tools, pens, the mouse
  • Use the right tool for the job
  • Find tools or gadgets that help make the job easier
  • Alternate hands during the work activity if possible
  • Work from the shoulder and don't isolate wrist or elbow movements

Epicondylitis (Tennis & Golfer's Elbow)
  • Avoid repetitive wrist bending and straightening
  • Avoid repetitive forearm rotation (palm-up/palm down movements)
  • Avoid repetitive, forceful gripping
  • Avoid lifting with the palm down and the wrist held back (for example, holding suitcases or grocery bags)
  • Use both hands while lifting to share the load between the arms
  • Try to lift with the palms up (as if you are scooping up the object)
  • Avoid forceful push and pull activities with the elbow held straight
  • Minimize repetition and periodically rest the arms during repetitive or stressful activity
  • Slow down the activity
  • Use the least amount of force necessary to do the job
  • Use a light grip on tools, pens, the mouse
  • Position the mouse appropriately.  Don't reach forward or to the side when using the mouse.
  • Use the right tool for the job
  • Find tools or gadgets that help make the job easier
  • Alternate hands during the work activity if possible

DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis
  • Use the power grip (for example, holding an object with all the fingers in a loose grip) instead of using a pinch
  • Use the force of the upper arm instead of isolated wrist movements  (for example, while fastening nuts and bolts)
  • Work with the wrist in a neutral position
  • Avoid holding the thumb in the palm of the hand while bending the wrist towards the palm or towards the small finger side of the hand
  • Minimize repetition and periodically rest the arms during repetitive or stressful activity
  • Slow down the activity
  • Use the least amount of force necessary to do the job
  • Use a light grip on tools, pens, the mouse
  • Use the right tool for the job
  • Find tools or gadgets that help make the job easier
  • Alternate hands during the work activity if possible
  • Work from the shoulder and don't isolate wrist or elbow movement

Trigger Finger
  • Avoid repetitive grasping and releasing of the hand
  • Avoid sustained grasp

The Importance of Balancing Physical and Mental Health

  Balancing physical and mental health is crucial for overall well-being. Physical health pertains to our bodily strength and endurance, whi...