Most of us are very much distress about our body weight ,and we tried all to overcome from this fat........Obesity means having too much body fat. It is not the same as being overweight, which means weighing too much. A person may be overweight from extra muscle, bone, or water, as well as from having too much fat.
Obesity occurs over time when you eat more calories than you use. The balance between calories-in and calories-out differs for each person. Factors that might tip the balance include your genetic makeup, overeating, eating high-fat foods and not being physically active.
Being obese increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and some cancers. If you are obese, losing even 5 to 10 percent of your weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases.
Most weight loss programs fail because they do not remove the underlying causes of obesity, and because the program is not individualized to the person's unique needs.
1k = 2.20462lbs
What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?The BMI is said to be a measure of body fat, based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women.
Factor 1 (Total body weight * 0.732 ) + 8.987
Factor 2 Wrist measurement ( at fullest point/ 3.140 )
Factor 3 Waist measurement (at naval * 0.157 )
Factor 4 Hip measurement ( at fullest point * 0.249 )
Factor 5 Forearm measurement (at fullest point * 0.434 )
Lean Body Mass = Factor 1 + Factor 2 -Factor 3 - Factor 4 + Factor 5
Body Fat Weight = Total body weight - Lean body Mass
Body Fat Percentage = Body Fat Weight * 100 / Total Body Weight
Body Fat Formula For men
Factor 1 ( Total body weight * 1.082 ) + 94.42
Factor 2 Waist measurement * 4.15
Lean Body Mass = Factor 1 - Factor 2
Body Fat Weight = Total Body Weight - Lean Body Mass
Body Fat Percentage
Women Men
Essential Fat 10 - 12 % 2 - 4 %
Athletes 14 - 20 % 6 - 13 %
Fitness 21 - 24 % 14 - 17 %
Acceptable 25 - 31 % 18 - 25 %
Obese 32% or more 26% or more
Small changes in your eating patterns can make big differences in your health over time. A serving of fruits and vegetables may be smaller than you think. All of the following count as one serving on your way to 5-A-Day:
1 cup raw leafy greens
3/4 cup fruit or vegetable juice
1 medium-size piece of fruit
1/2 cup peas or cooked dry beans
1/4 cup dried fruit
Know how to snack
Opt for carrots or vegetables in low-fat dressing, rather than chips. Choose fruit over candy. Munch on almonds and raisins instead of crackers. Keep in mind that canned and frozen fruits and veggies are good snacks too. Try plain low-fat yogurt mixed with berries, bananas or peaches instead of ice cream. For a heavier snack, try natural peanut butter or low-fat cheese on a banana, apple or celery.
Make your liquids count
Drink 6 ounces of 100 percent orange juice or other citrus juice every day. Drink skim instead of 2 percent or whole milk. The next time you want soda pop, grab 100 % vegetable or fruit juice instead. Add some zip to fruit juice by mixing club soda with orange juiceWEIGHT LOSS NATURALLY
- Walk brisk in open air in the morning and evening or do some yoga.
- Just after waking up ,drink 1-4 glassess of water which has been kept in a copper pot overnight.
- Fast when stomach is heavy.Take Enema. Before Enema put wet Mud pack on abdomen for 30min.
- Take Steam bath once or twice a week.Throw red light on the body below neck.
- Twice a week take Epsom salt Bath.
- In the morning and evening also take Hip bath or Sitz bath for 10 to 20min.
- Once or twice a week ,Wet mud bath should be applied all over body.During summer ,Sun bath should be taken.
- Once or twice a week take Wet sheet pack treatment its very beneficial for weight loss.
- Every day the following asanas should be done:Massage is also very helpfull in muscle toning........
Certain yogasanas are specifically aimed to stimulate the lethargic thyroid gland in order to increase the hormonal secretion. Thus,Yoga acts upon metabolism of our body --increases metabolic activity and helps in reducing weight.
• Breathing exercise: Deep breathing increases oxygen supply to the cells of our body and helps in burning the fat cells.Kapalbhati ,Anulom-vilom and Agnisaar are stimulate fat burn. - “Each
time you do it, you burn extra calories and you can rid yourself from
the layers of fat on your body. These also help in toning the muscles
and increasing their endurance level.”
• Kriya: For cleaning the body and weight reduction Shankha Prakshalna ,(kunjal kriya) Vaman and Dhauti are the best Yogasanas.
• Yoga Asanas: Following yoga regime regularly helps in fat management of our body. The most effective one is Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation. “For a week if you do 51 rounds of Surya Namaskar in a day, you will be amazed at the results,” Try holding yourself in these asanas for 20-30 seconds:
- Sarvangasana |
- Paschimottanasana |
- Halasan |
- Bhujangasana |
- Ardha Matsyendrasana |
Surya Mudra : The Surya Mudra is known to help the body deal with excess fat; to mobilize stored fat into use for energy; to redistribute fat stores; and to generally combat Obesity and heaviness. If you’re dieting to prepare for the summer season, consider using this “hand yoga” to help align your body to your goal.
To practice Surya Mudra, touch the third (ring) finger to the pad of thumb. Press the thumb gently over this third (ring) finger. Keep the other fingers straight and apart.
- A pressure point near your ear controls appetite. Move your jaw up and down with your finger placed against it. Find the point on your jaw that has the most movement. The pressure point is a protrusion of the ear near where your finger is.
- There are 2 pressure points for the spleen. The first pressure point is on your inner leg about 2 inches above the ankle, just off the bone. This pressure point strengthens your digestive system.
- The second spleen pressure point helps regulate the water metabolism of your body. Using your finger to follow along your shin bone, slide down to where you are just off the bone and onto the inner side of your leg. From there move along the shin bone towards your knee. The pressure point can be found in a depression below the rounded top of your leg bone.
- The pressure point for the stomach is about 2 inches below the kneecap, near the outer part of your leg. If you flex your foot up and down and feel the muscle move beneath your finger, you know you’ve found the right spot. This pressure point aids in the nourishment of your blood and chi, which is beneficial to your digestive system.
- The large intestine point is located on the inner end of the elbow crease. This pressure point regulates your intestines, as well as removes excess heat and moisture from your body.
Performing Acupressure Massage for Weight Loss
When performing acupressure massage for the purpose of weight loss, always begin and end by massaging your appetite control pressure point. Whenever you massage a pressure point on one side of the body, work the other side as well.- Step 1: Squeeze the pressure point in your ear between your thumb and forefinger, and hold the pressure for a minute.
- Step 2: Massage the first spleen pressure point, above your ankle. Push your thumb or knuckle into this pressure point and hold for a minute.
- Step 3: Work the stomach pressure point. Begin with the pressure point just below your knee. Apply pressure with your forefinger for a minute.
- Step 4: Massage the second spleen pressure point, near your knee, applying pressure for a minute.
- Step 5: Use your thumb to apply pressure to the point for the large intestines. Press down for a minute.